Welcome to our Catholic Scripture Studies.  We are pleased to now offer you two choices for a deeper understanding of the Holy Scriptures.  The presenter, Sister Kathleen, has dedicated many hours and much prayer in preparing these Scripture Studies.  Our Community Spiritual Director, Father Mark Cyza also has a great website with a lot of interesting, informative talks and videos. 


Grab your Bible, open your heart and may the Holy Spirit be your constant friend and guide, as He is ours, as you journey with us through the pages of the Holy Bible.


May God bless you in great abundance.



             Sunday Mass Readings Study


           Gospel According to St. Matthew


           Gospel According to St. Mark


           Gospel According to St. Luke


           Gospel According to St. John


           The Book of Revelation

To spread the Gospel message, and if necessary, to use words.

                                                            ~St. Francis of Assisi.

FRANCISCAN Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother





Life of Prayer

Scripture Study

Youth Choir Songs